Wilder and Fury battle it out on 22nd February 2020, on the line was the WBC Heavyweight belt title. Fury showed the sweet science of boxing and clearly out boxed wilder, both fighter was ready for war in the ring.
Wilder started the first round strong he connected a few good punches on Fury. Fury fired back and landed a good right hand. Fury was closing wilder down and picking his punches carefully.
Second round Wilder was looking for that right hand, wilder is known for is right hand knock outs. Fury close wilder down again guiding wilder to the ropes. Fury hits a good right hand again but this time Wilder had to clinch onto Fury. Fury lands big shots right on the end of the round. The referee had to break up the fight.
Third round Fury starts very strong coming with his jabs and lands a big right hand and an upper cut wilder clinches Fury for a break the referee had to break up the clinch. Fury is looking for the knock out on Fury hitting Wilder with another right hand putting a lot of pressure on Wilder. Fury jabs Wilder and hits him with a few right hand and wilder clinches onto Fury, straight after the clinch fury drops Wilder with left jab then a right hook. Wilder gets back up. Fury closing him down again and put even more pressure on Wilder. Fury's is looking for that knock out. Wilder drops again with all that pressure but he get straight back up. The ref call it as a slip it did not count as a knock down. Wilder was saved by the bell.
Fourth round Wilder slips again, Fury come out swinging and opens up Wilder lip with a jab. Nothing much else happened in round four.
Fifth round Fury comes out strong again hitting Wilder with a right hand connected perfectly, you can tell it shook Wilder, Fury follows up with right hooks landed most of then forcing Wilder to clinch onto him. Fury hit Wilder with a body shot and Wilder drops again. Wilder gets back up. Fury puts Wilder to the ropes and hits him a lot of combination. Wilder saved by the bell again. Wilder look tried now.
Sixth round Fury is trying to finish this now hitting Wilder hard with his jabs and right hooks. Wilder clinches Fury. Fury continues to hit Wilder with right hooks. End of round six wilder survives again.
Seventh round Fury comes out with a big left hand. Wilder looks very tried but he lands a right hand. Fury is bopping and waving wilder punches. Fury Connor's Wilder hitting Wilder with all sorts of combination Wilder can not defend himself and the ref call the fight as a TKO. FURY WON!. The Fight was ended in 1minute and 39 second in seventh round by TKO.
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